Known Issues
Reveal is prompting for a license key on every launch
Users who have been using licensed versions of Reveal prior to version 25 may be shown a warning on every launch stating that the currently activated license is only valid for ...
iOS application crash when inspecting views with MapKit overlays
When you create a map view using MKMapView and add an overlay using MKOverlay, you might come across the unexpected crash from the hosting application while using Reveal to insp...
CocoaPods Integration: Crash on launch after updating to Reveal version 21
Issue Description Reveal version 21 added support for the new arm64e architecture used in the newest iOS devices. Unfortunately, this has highlighted an issue with one of CocoaP...
Reveal doesn't start when opening your app via a remote notification on iOS 8
If you're using Reveal with an on iOS 8.1 through 8.4, it is possible for the app to be launched in such a way that the Reveal service within your app will not start. The bug do...
UIView root layer and setting sublayers to 'nil'
As a library that is integrated in to 3rd party applications, we sometimes come across situations where bad or incorrect use of the core iOS frameworks can make Reveal appear to...
Modifications to a UIButton's label are reset when the button state changes
When modifying properties directly on a UIButton's label (titleLabel), the changes may be discarded when the state of the parent UIButton changes. This is due to directly modify...
Reveal debugger commands are not recognized by the debugger
It's possible that Reveal Debugger Commands installed via Help menu would fail to work in certain cases. The issue would usually manifest itself by Reveal commands not recognize...
Breakpoint integration of Reveal 15 and older is not compatible with Xcode 10
When integrating Reveal 15 or an older version into your iOS project using a debugger breakpoint and running your app in Xcode 10, you may see a message in the debugger console ...