When you purchase a Reveal Personal subscription, a single license can be used to unlock the Mac app on up to two devices (e.g. for use on a laptop and desktop). Licenses under a Reveal Teams subscription can only be used on a single device.
Unlinking a Device
To unlink a copy of Reveal on a device:
- Open the Mac app
- Open Reveal → Licensing Information... from the Menu Bar
- Click Unlink Device
Unlinking all Devices
To unlink all devices and reset all activations for a particular license:
- Sign in to your Reveal Account
- Go to the Licenses page
- Select which license you'd like to unlink all devices (reset activations) from
- Click Unlink All Devices
Resetting Activations for Older Versions of Reveal
If you're still using Reveal 24 or earlier, you can reset your license activations using our form at https://revealapp.com/reset-activations.