Unlinking Devices

When you purchase a Reveal Personal subscription, a single license can be used to unlock the Mac app on up to two devices (e.g. for use on a laptop and desktop). Licenses under a Reveal Teams subscription can only be used on a single device.

Unlinking a Device

To unlink a copy of Reveal on a device:

  1. Open the Mac app
  2. Open Reveal → Licensing Information... from the Menu Bar
  3. Click Unlink Device


Unlinking all Devices

To unlink all devices and reset all activations for a particular license:

  1. Sign in to your Reveal Account
  2. Go to the Licenses page
  3. Select which license you'd like to unlink all devices (reset activations) from
  4. Click Unlink All Devices


Resetting Activations for Older Versions of Reveal

If you're still using Reveal 24 or earlier, you can reset your license activations using our form at https://revealapp.com/reset-activations.