Reveal has support for refreshing application snapshots and other functionality via AppleScript.
For a full list of AppleScript commands and classes, see the Reveal entry in the AppleScript Editor Dictionary ( AppleScript Editor → File→Open Dictionary… or ⌘⌥O).
Example AppleScript to refresh application snapshot.
tell application "Reveal"
-- Activate the application
-- We can check that the running Reveal instance has an active document. We
-- do this because it is possible to have Reveal running but not have a document
-- window up. Eg, have opened the preferences but closed the document window.
if (count of documents) > 0 then
-- We can check if the document has a selected service
if (selected service of document 1) is not missing value then
-- We can immediately refresh the active document since we have a selected
-- remote Reveal Service.
refresh document 1
end if
end if
end tell