Removing Reveal from your Xcode Project

Depending on the option you used to integrate Reveal with your project, please follow the relevant guide below to remove the Reveal Server framework from your project.

Once the framework has been successfully removed, the following line should no longer be logged in Xcode's console upon starting your app:

INFO: Reveal Server started (Protocol Version X).

Linking RevealServer.framework into your Xcode project

  1. Open your iOS or tvOS project in Xcode.
  2. Remove any RevealServer.framework or RevealServer.xcframework references from the Project Navigator.
  3. If present, remove the custom codesign and copy framework Run Script(s) from your Build Phases.
  4. Select your project in Xcode's Project Navigator, then for each target you've integrated Reveal with, select the Build Settings tab and remove the following from the Debug configuration of the Other Linked Flags setting:
    • -weak_framework RevealServer
    • -ObjC and -lz (check that these are only required by Reveal).
  5. Still in the Build Settings tab, search for Framework Search Paths, and remove the path to if it is there.
  6. If present, remove the loadReveal / startReveal methods from your code.
  7. That's it - run your app and verify that Reveal cannot connect to your application.


  1. Remove the following line from your Podfile:

    pod 'Reveal-SDK', :configurations => ['Debug']
  2. Run pod install in your project directory.
  3. If Reveal-SDK was the only pod in your Podfile, please follow these instructions to completely remove CocoaPods from your project.
  4. That's it - run your app and verify that Reveal cannot connect to your application.